-217 CY Founding of the Kingdom of Aerdy. (428 OR)
-113 CY "The Great Disembarkment"; the Aqua-Oeridians sail eastward. (522 OR)
-110 CY Battle of a Fortnight's length. (535 OR)
1 CY Crowning Nasron, of the House of Cramden, as the Overking of Aerdy. (645 OR)
75 CY Tenmeris and his Queen, Yalranda rule Aerdy. (720 OR)
100 CY Foundation of Viceroyalty of Furyondy. (745 OR)
107 CY The Overking of Aerdy constructs Castle Millennium at Seawolf Point. (752 OR)
113 CY Alisedran's report of The Hanging Glacier. (758 OR)
155 CY Attir Aedorich's discovery of the Sinking Isle. (800 OR)
198 CY The appearance of the Ball of Fire over the South of the Great Kingdom. (843 OR)
200 CY City of Leukish began as a trading post. (845 OR)
213 CY Age of Great Sorrow. (858 OR)
254 CY Kingdom of Furyondy declared with crowning of Thrommel I. Veluna and Tenh follow in declaring independence. (899 OR)
272 CY Padin the Vain uses the Hand of Vecna to start the Insurrection of the Yaheetes, a Flanae enclave in the North Province. The Malachite Throne destroys them to a person. (917 OR)
283 CY Thrommel III begins construction of Chendl. (916 CY)
290 CY "Vecna II" builds rises in the Bone March Area and builds Tyrus. He rules for 100 years with the aid of the Eye of Vecna. (935 OR)
310 CY Beginning of the Formation of the Shield Lands. (955 OR)
320 CY Nomads Appear in the North, outer dependencies of Aerdy gain sovereignty. (965 OR)
350 CY The formation of the Bandit Kingdoms complete. (995 OR)
356 CY Kingdom of Nyrond established, Kingdom of Keoland reaches peak; Keoland's "Small War" with Furyondy. Urnst become independent. Theocracy of the Pale founded by religious refugees of Pholtus from the Great Kingdom. (1001 OR)
360 CY Battle of Molvar and Battle of Lopolla end Keolandish expansion to the North. (1005 OR)
371 CY Founder of Bandit Kingdom City of Rookroost assassinated. Starts precedent for ascension to leadership of that enclave. (1016 OR)
375 CY Zagig Yragerne begins construction of Greyhawk Castle. (1020 OR)
390 CY The Malachite Throne overthrows Vecna II. (1025 OR)
393 CY Zagig Yragerne founds the Guild of Wizardry in Greyhawk. (1028 OR)
394 CY The publishing of Pontus Hardiggin's, halfling traveler extraordinaire, journals and his description of Esmerin, "the land of giants and halflings in the Lortmils." (1029 OR)
400 CY Voorman Perren unites cantons of Perrenland. (1035 OR)
416 CY The paladin, Myro, conquers one of the bandit kingdoms and declares himself "king." (1041 OR)
430 CY Vlek Col Vlekzed establishes the Hold of Stonefist. (1065 OR)
435 CY An unnamed agent of an evil deity bestows the Hand of Vecna, on Myro. He is corrupted by it. (1070 OR)
437 CY Turmoil Between the Crowns. House Naelax replaces House Rax on Malachite Throne. (1072 OR)
440 CY Warrior-Priests of Wintershiven found the Church Militant (of Pholtus). (1075 OR)
446 CY Founding of Iron League; Bandit Kings sack Trigol; Assassination of the entire house of Rax in the Great Kingdom. (1081 OR)
449 CY Second Civil War in Rauxes. University of Rauxes sacked. (1084 OR)
450 CY Myro is destroyed by a joint force from Nyrond, Furyondy and the Shield Lands. (1085 CY)
453 CY King Tavish III of Keoland dies, Tavish IV ascends to throne; end of Keoish Emperialism. The ill-fated expedition of Sormod of Perrenland to find Eru-Tovar, north of Blackmoor. (1088 OR)
455 CY Sunndi rebels against the Great Kingdom, joins the Iron League. (1090 OR)
461 CY Demi-human realm of Ulek affected, demi-human realm of Celene revealed (although it is also "affected" in the eyes of the Great Kingdom, this hidden Elven realm actually just decides to open communications with the human kingdoms at this time). (1096 OR)
465 CY Volte, a blue dragon terrorizing Geoff and Sterich, is defeated by a group of adventurers aided by Schemley, a Greyhawk dragon. (2000 OR)
468 CY The Witch-Queen Iggwilv's power grows in the Yatils. She conquers Perrenland. (2003 OR)
478 CY Iggwilv is overthrown and imprisoned. Perrenland is liberated. (2013 OR)
479 CY Might of Iuz grows, humanoid invasions become common. (2014 OR)
480 CY City of Elredd founded by a Wolf Nomad warrior on the site of earlier camp settlements. (2015 OR)
494 CY Ivid I dies, Ivid II ascends the Malachite Throne. (2029 OR)
497 CY Ivid II is assassinated and replaced by his son, Ivid III. (2032 OR)
498 CY County of Urnst becomes Palatinate under Duchy of Urnst; Greyhawk becomes free city. (2033 OR)
505 CY Imprisonment of Iuz in beneath the Castle Greyhawk. (2040 OR)
506 CY Jurnre falls at the height of The Hateful Wars. (2041 OR)
510 CY Last of the Euroz and Jebli driven from the Lortmil Mountains. Lord Sandor the Headstrong of Polvar (in Ket) pursues the goblin horde of Urgush. Both forces are lost to the poisons of Csipros Erd, the Geysers of Death located somewhere in the maze of valleys and hills north of the Barriear Peak region. This ended the Hateful Wars. (2045 OR)
511 CY The Battle of Dour Pentress. (2046 OR)
513 CY Rise of Horned Society; humanoids take Pomarj. (2048 OR)
516 CY First Sighting of the Velunese Lights. (2051 OR)
519 CY Founding of Azak-Zil ("Pureheart") by the dwarven clan Highgate. (2054 OR)
520 CY Hradji Beartooth's discovery of Skrellingshald. (2054 OR)
522 CY King Belvor II is crowned in Furyondy. (2056 OR)
523 CY Storrich of the Hold of Stonefist supposedly enter the Burning Cliffs region. (2057 OR)
524 CY Loss of Azak-Zil. (2058 OR)
526 CY Dyvers becomes a Free City. (2060 OR)
537 CY King Belvor III of Furyondy dies in his sleep. (2071 OR)
550 CY The Valley of the Mage is established. (2084 OR)
555 CY The Frutzii are conquered by the Schnai. (2089 OR)
556 CY The discovery the unusual halfling casket in the River near Courwood. Ivid IV is assassinated by his son, Ivid V. (2090 OR)
(The following years from 557-583 CY are called "The Times of Struggle" by historians.)
557 CY Rise of the Slaver Lords in Drachensgrabs. (2091 OR)
560 CY Formation of the Circle of Eight. (2094 OR)
561 CY The Wizard Murq captures and kills many of the children of the nobility of Greyhawk. (2095 OR)
563 CY Bone March taken by humanoids. (2097 OR)
566 CY Alliance of Drow with Giants in the West of the Flanaess. (3000 OR)
567 CY The "Beggar's War" in Greyhawk Beggar's Union defeated by Thieves' Guild. (3001 OR)
569 CY Battle of Emridy Meadows -- Horde of Elemental Evil Scattered. Herzog of the South Province leads forces to a minor victory over the Golden League (Nyrond, Almor and the Iron League). (3003 OR)
570 CY Iuz freed from captivity and returns north. (3004 OR)
571 CY Irongate joins the Golden League and drives Ivid's forces under the Herzog back to the South Province. (3005 OR)
572 CY The Dawnbreaker Clan of Rauxes fails to overthrow Ivid. Sea Barons defeat Duxchaners in The Battle of Medegia. (3006 OR)
573 CY Scarlet Brotherhood first reported; Prince of Furyondy and Provost of Veluna kidnapped; The Cult of the Reptile God Rises in Orlane. (3007 OR)
575 CY Appointment of the People's Constables in Greyhawk City. Duke Eyeh II of Tenh begins an aggressive campaign to clear the Troll Fens. (3009 OR)
576 CY "Guide to the World of Greyhawk" completed by Pluffet Smedger the Elder. (3010 OR)
The Oeridian Record (abbreviated OR, and called Oerid Reckoning) is a method of counting the years among the Oeridian people. It is commonly used for dates prior to Year 1 in the Common Year calendar, and by many Oeridian-settled nations that were never part of the Great Kingdom.
Year 1 in the Common Year (CY) calendar is equivalent to 645 in the Oeridian Record. -1 CY is equivalent to 644 OR.
In ancient times the Oeridians were nomads who wandered the central plains of Oerik west of the Tyurzi Mountains. In the year 1 of the Oeridian Record, while the Baklunish-Suloise Wars were threatening to overwhelm the Oeridian homelands, these nomads united their tribes in a single confederation to resist imperial Baklunish incursions from the Ulsprue Mountains and by Baklunish nomads to the north.
(This calendar is based on several TSR publications including: The World of Greyhawk, The City of Greyhawk, The Temple of Elemental Evil (T1-4), Rary the Traitor (WGR3), The Marklands (WGR4), Vale of the Mage (WG12), Vecna Lives (WGA4), Dungeon Master's Guide 1st ed., Greyhawk Adventures (TSR) and others by TSR based on the work of Gary Gygax).
NOTE : All dates include a cross reference to other calendars. This was done to establish the historical relationship to the cultures most connected to the calendar in question and the common year (CY).
All calendars are based on the World of Greyhawk campaign setting (TSR).
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Path of History

The commonly understood history of the Flanaess begins just over one thousand years ago, when the great conflict between the ancient Suloise and Baklunish empires forced massive migrations eastward across, around, and even under the western mountain ranges. This resulted in the mixture of races and cultures that defines the modern Flanaess.
Tales of the era before the migrations are fragmentary and poorly understood. Did monstrous creatures rule Oerik before the advent of humanity? Did the great races of humans, elves, dwarves, and the like arise by fiat of the gods or journey here from elsewhere? Did the elves raise humanity to civilization, or did humans achieve this on their own? Did the Flan once have their own empires and civilizations? Who built the oldest tombs in the Cairn Hills, the half-buried ruins in the Bright Desert, or the deserted stone cities in the Griff Mountains? Where were the fabled realms ruled by Johydee, the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, Vecna the Whispered One, the High Kings of the dwarves, or the elven King of Summer Stars? What became of the mysterious Isles of Woe, and who dwelled there? No one knows with any certainty.
Even histories of the early years of the migrations are unclear on many points. The Oeridian tribal realm of Thalland was so thoroughly absorbed by the kingdom of Aerdy that it survives only in name as the Thelly River. The ancient kingdom of Ahlissa, ruled by the Flan and easily conquered by Aerdy, is known today only for its founding wizard-queen, Ehlissa the Enchantress, and a magical nightingale she made. (The Flan here have almost vanished through intermarriage.) So it goes for much of recorded time.
What is presented here is a history of the land accepted by most learned authorities and understood by almost anyone with a rudimentary education.The current time is the Common Year (CY) 575, which is also 1219 OR (Oeridian Record), 6090 SD (Suloise Dating), 5037 OC (Olven Calendar), 3234 BH (Baklunish Hegira) and 2725 FT (Flan Tracking).

The root cause of the animosity between the Suel Imperium and the Baklunish Empire is lost in time, but the end result of their final war haunts even the modern day. After decades of conflict, the Suloise Mages of Power called down the Invoked Devastation upon the Baklunish, resulting in an apocalypse so complete that its true form remains unknown. Entire cities and countless people were purged from Oerth, leaving few signs of the great civilization that thrived from the Sulhaut Mountains to the Dramidj Ocean.
In retaliation, a cadre of Baklunish wizard-clerics, gathered in the great protective stone circles known as Tovag Baragu, brought the Rain of Colorless Fire upon their hated enemies. The skies above the Suel Imperium opened, and all beings and things beneath this shining rift in the heavens were burned into ash. So terribly did these attacks plague the world that they have come to be called the Twin Cataclysms, a term understood by nearly every resident of the Flanaess. The Dry Steppes and Sea of Dust are geographical reminders of this unbridled magical power, now lost to all people—perhaps for the better.
Thousands survived the early years of the Suel-Baklunish conflict by fleeing east over the Crystalmists. The Oeridians, a confederation of barbaric tribes in close proximity to the warring empires, took the wars (and attendant raids from orc and goblin mercenaries in the employ of both sides) as a sign to migrate eastward in search of their ultimate destiny. They were the first large group to enter the lands of the Flan, which they termed the Flanaess.
Suloise refugees soon followed, sometimes working with the Oeridians to pacify the land, but more often warring with them over which race would dominate it. For over two centuries, Suel and Oeridian fought for control of the region from the Crystalmists to the Solnor Coast. Many Suloise were debased and wicked, and they lost most of these battles and were pushed to the periphery of the Flanaess.
Though some Baklunish folk migrated eastward, many more fled north toward the Yatil Mountains, or to the shores of the Dramidj Ocean, where their ancient cultures flourish to this day. The very nonhuman mercenaries the Oeridians had sought to avoid found themselves swept up by these migrations. Many of the foul creatures that now plague the Flanaess arrived following the Oeridians and Suel. These renegade mercenaries trailed after human migrants in search of plunder, food, and slaves.

The most successful union of Suel and Oeridian came in the Sheldomar Valley, where Keoland was founded eighty years after the Twin Cataclysms. The Suel Houses of Rhola and Neheli joined with Oeridian tribes on the banks of the Sheldomar and pledged themselves to mutual protection and dominion of the western Flanaess, an agreement that set the course of history for the region for the next nine centuries. Of all the new realms formed during those tumultuous days, only Keoland remains.
Farther east, the most powerful of all Oeridian tribes, the Aerdi, reached the Flanmi River. From there they spread outward again, conquering indigenous peoples and fellow migrants alike. In time, the kingdom of Aerdy ruled the whole of the eastern Flanaess and moved its borders westward. One hundred and ten years after the defeat of the last meaningful threat to Aerdi sovereignty, at the Battle of a Fortnight’s Length, the leader of Aerdy was crowned as overking of the Great Kingdom. Overking Nasran also marked the birth of a new calendar, and with the Declaration of Universal Peace, the sun arose in the east on the first day of the first Common Year. The writ of imperial Aerdy eventually encompassed holdings as far west as the Yatils, controlling the southern Nyr Dyv with a small garrison at an insignificant trading post known as Greyhawk.
From 213 CY on, the Aerdi overkings grew lax, caring more for local prestige and wealth than for the affairs of their vassals in distant lands. This period was called the Age of Great Sorrow. As each sovereign passed, he was replaced with a more dimwitted and less competent successor, until the outer dependencies of Aerdy declared their independence. The viceroyalty of Ferrond led the way, becoming the kingdom of Furyondy. Other regions also broke away from the ineffectual government of the overking over time, creating their own governments after achieving success in their wars of rebellion.
By 356 CY, the ruling dynasty of Aerdy, the Celestial House of Rax, had grown especially decadent. In response, the western province of Nyrond declared itself free of the Great Kingdom and elected one of its nobles as king of an independent domain. Armies gathered from all loyal provinces of Aerdy to suppress this brazen act. At this time, however, barbarians from the Thillonrian Peninsula raided the Great Kingdom’s North Province, forcing the overking to divert troops from the western front. Nyrond easily survived and thrived.
The Kingdom of Keoland awoke from a long slumber in the third century, expanding to dominate its neighbors. This short-lived Keoish empire lasted almost two centuries before far-flung wars and internal strife laid it low. The outer dependencies declared their autonomy, and Keoland resumed its peaceful isolation
The darkest chapter in the history of Aerdy began in 437 CY. In this year, the upstart House Naelax murdered the Rax overking, inaugurating a series of gruesome civil wars called the Turmoil Between Crowns. Within a decade, Ivid I of Naelax was recognized as the undisputed overking of all Aerdy. As Ivid was rumored to be in league with powerful evil Outsiders, the Malachite Throne of the Great Kingdom became known as the Fiend-Seeing Throne, and the once mighty and upright empire became a bastion of evil and cruelty.

Political struggles within Furyondy prevented the king from acting decisively in this period, when the evil of Iuz might have been permanently checked. Instead, the cambion lord flourished until 505 CY, when he appeared to vanish from Oerth. In truth, Iuz was imprisoned beneath Castle Greyhawk by the Mad Archmage Zagig Yragerne, former lord mayor of Greyhawk. In Iuz’s absence, orc tribes and disloyal former subjects squabbled for control of his lands, allowing the forces of weal to rest for a time.
Three developments kept Furyondy and its allies from complacency. First, part of Iuz’s leaderless realm soon broke away to be ruled by a nearly equal evil, the Horned Society.
Second, the notorious Horde of Elemental Evil arose, a collection of cultists and villains headquartered at a temple south of the town of Verbobonc. The Horde was the puppet of Zuggtmoy, Iuz’s abyssal consort, who instructed it in bizarre teachings at the behest of her absent lover. The Horde’s banditry was finally vanquished in 569 CY at the Battle of Emridy Meadows, where Prince Thrommel of Furyondy led forces from Furyondy, Veluna, Verbobonc, and other realms in victory and the destruction of the temple.
Third, faithful orc and human servants of Iuz became zealots dedicated to their absent lord. In time, the leaders of these cults devoted to Iuz displayed magical power, igniting Furyondy’s worst fears. In 570 CY, a meddlesome warrior-adventurer named Lord Robilar freed Iuz from his imprisonment. Iuz returned to his lands more powerful and wicked than ever before, with an unholy priesthood leading his forces in his unholy name.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Organizations and Societies
Rangers of the Gnarley Forest
This "little" group consists of more than two hundred rangers. They come from all over to protect the vast expanse of the Gnarley Forest. There is no set order of command except for several Ranger Knights that gather every two to three months to exchange information. Young rangers are taken in under one of these Knights and trained although rangers of any level may join by finding one one of these Ranger Knights, be interviewed and pass several woodland tests.
The rangers are a close group and will come to one another's aid as soon as possible. Even the animals of the Gnarley Forest seem to cooperate with them by dragging wounded rangers to safety or alerting to possible dangers. Their main goal is to control lumbering in the wood, flush out bandits and protect the people of the Gnarley Forest.
They also must stay close the the forest. Any extended leave of over six months must be approved by a Ranger Knight and long journeys away without good cause will usually result in the ranger being asked to turn in his/her insignia of oak leaves.
Knights of Holy Shielding
These knights are the backbone of the army of the Shield Lands. The Knights of Holy Shielding are paladins and young men hoping to join their ranks usually start as squires. A paladin must be of at least seventh level and be capable of proclaiming some heroic deed. They are well respected in their homeland but have become hated and despised by Iuz and his following with whom they battle.
Knights of the Watch
These were the best of the best from the armies of Bissel, Gran March, Geoff and Keoland. They were there to protect from Baklunish threats from the west. Once their number was 6,500 but now due to the giant invasion of Geoff and the attack from Ket into Bissel their number is now only 2,500. They use traditional warfare techniques that cost them dearly when dealing with the humanoids, giants, and groups from Ket.
The Knights of the Watch are divided into two groups. The first is referred to as the Watchers. They stand on their traditions and see no reason for changing them. The second is called the Dispatchers. They tend to split into scouting parties and ambush humanoids in Geoff that shouldn't be there.
They both fight to protect Gran March and Keoland, but while the Knights of the Watch wait for enemies to come, the Knights of Dispatch actively go out and attack them.
Knights of the Order of the Hart
This group of knights was designed to make sure that Furyondy, Veluna and High Folk kept their freedom. The nobles and lords of these areas kept their own men-at-arms and guards but to gather them together took time and this problem was solved with the Knights of the Order of the Hart who vow to always be battle ready. They are divided into three branches.
The Knights of Furyondy that hold 170 men to their 200 before the war. These guys aren't really trusted by Dyvers and Verbobonc even though the Knights are trying to protect their trade. They feel that the knights would be happy to see them become a part of Furyondy.
The Knights of Veluna number at 120 and used to house nothing but seasoned veterans of seventh level or higher, but have begun accepting war clerics, human paladins of at least fifth level and human and half-elven priests of at least sixth level.
The Knights of the High Forest consists completely of elves and has only 45 members. They fight in the Vesve forest and also trade, although they aren't merchants they need the money.
The Knights of the Order of the Hart spend their time drilling, protecting the strongholds and are well respected by the people of their nations. They do have a bit of a rivalry going on between themselves and the Knights of Shielding.
The Scarlet Brotherhood
This group makes it's home on the Tilvanot Peninsula. Their one driving goal since it's founding a thousand years ago is to have the Suel recognized as the master race throughout the Flanaess. Apparently there was a premonition of doom right before the Rain of Colorless Fire descended upon the Suel Empire. One man named Kevelli Mauk that had founded the Brotherhood three years prior had enough time to gather ten of his students along with their slaves, the Tome of the Scarlet Sign (the Brotherhood's manifesto) and use a now lost artifact called Lendor's Matrix to teleport them all to the western side of Hellfurnaces just before the fall of the Rain of Colorless Fire.
They, over time, eventually made there way down into the Tilvanot Peninsula where they reside. They believe that by their physical perfection, the early birth of their empire and their mastery of magic that they are the superior race. They are a people where assassins and thieves are as common place as farmers and merchants on the main land.
Horned Society
No one knows the true age of the Horned Society. Most scholars perceive them as opportunists who emerged earlier this century to fill the void left by the retreat of the luz from the city of Molag, and then were swept away after his return. Some think of them as pretentious bandits with delusions of grandeur. More ominous speculation gives the organization ancient roots. In fact, some druids speak of the dreaded "Horned Ones," cultists who stalked the night in ancient times. It is not certain whether the modern Horned Society is a descendant of these predators. Conflicting reports place the Horned Society as worshipers of the god Nerull, or of devils. Both seem likely, since the organization is made of many factions. Their thirteen leaders are drawn from many classes, including powerful fighters, clerics, and wizards. The philosophy of the Horned Society is to rule through fear and might. Overtones of human supremacy also factor in.
Monday, August 8, 2011
World's Hardest Gary Gygax quiz
About taking the Hardest Gary Gygax Quiz in the World and getting 90%!
"You are a Gary Gygax Lord. Wow, you know a lot about Gary Gygax! My guess is that you are one of those Old School Renaissance guys, or else your last name is Gygax. Seriously, I didn't think anyone would do this well on this quiz. "
That's what the quiz quoted me as you can see to the right margin. I was actually surprised I did so well and by the same token didn't consider it that hard. I must confess that it was just my luck that I had recently read the the first Gord the Rogue novel "The Saga of Old City" so the bonus questions were fresh in my mind, otherwise my score would have been closer to the 70% mark.
"You are a Gary Gygax Lord. Wow, you know a lot about Gary Gygax! My guess is that you are one of those Old School Renaissance guys, or else your last name is Gygax. Seriously, I didn't think anyone would do this well on this quiz. "
That's what the quiz quoted me as you can see to the right margin. I was actually surprised I did so well and by the same token didn't consider it that hard. I must confess that it was just my luck that I had recently read the the first Gord the Rogue novel "The Saga of Old City" so the bonus questions were fresh in my mind, otherwise my score would have been closer to the 70% mark.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Free City of Greyhawk part 2

For part 1 of this article go here.
From the darkest alleys and most fetid cellars of the Old City, along the alabaster spires of temple and university lining the great length of the Processional, and on to the regal grandeur of the High Quarter and the looming towers of the Grand Citadel beyond...
The city beckons. Greyhawk, grandest jewel of the Flanaess, awaits you, offering adventures to stagger your imagination, treasure beyond your wildest dreams-and of course, dangers aplenty.
The city and its lands lie in the heart of civilized Oerth. The barren slopes of the mysterious Cairn Hills loom to the north of the city, within sight of the high walls. The placid expanse of the great river Selintan meanders past Greyhawk's bustling wharf region, giving the city its primary claim to strategic significance, for it lies along that waterway between the great lake of Nyr Dyv to the north and the broad surface of Woolly Bay and the Azure Sea to the south.
The City of Greyhawk and its domain are ruled by a Directing Oligarchy, a group of technically coequal members who head various major interests within the city. The number of Oligarchs (also known as directors) usually varies between 12 and 18, depending on the political circumstances. Replacement of an Oligarch who dies or retires is not required. If a vacancy in the Oligarchy should be filled, the new Oligarch is chosen by vote of the current Directors. The Oligarchy meets every Starday during the year to cover business relevant to the City, the Domain, and themselves.
The Directing Oligarchy periodically elects a Lord Mayor among it's members to lead them. The election of a mayor occurs whenever the old mayor dies, retires, resigns, or fails a no-confidence vote consisting of a two-thirds majority of the Directing Oligarchy. Since 570 CY, Nerof Gasgal has been the Lord Mayor. So far, he has been one of the best.
The guilds of Greyhawk are all designed to protect and further the social and economic interests of their membership. While not all of the Free City's Guilds have been granted or have been able to maintain a monopoly on the services and crafts they provide, they can nevertheless present a united front to any form of competition and have a recognized degree of political influence with the Directing Oligarchy.
On the first days of Fireseek, Planting, Reaping, and Patchwall, the Grand Council of Greyhawk Guilds meets at City Hall. All the city's Guildmasters are required to attend (and must send deputies should they be unable to do so). This meeting is used to discuss petitions and legislation before the Directing Oligarchy that may affect the trade or business of one or more of the Free City's guilds, and allegedly serves the purpose of granting those city guilds not directly represented in the Directing Oligarchy a say in the city's government.
Craftsmans' Quarter
This quarter of the Free City is one of the most peaceful, lacking the wild taverns and crowds of most other districts. The Craftsmans' Ward is home to hardworking people and their families. Its major features are the guildhalls for many of those craftsmen and women.
Sure, the Craftsmans' Ward has its share of taverns, but these are quiet, neighborhood places. Most of the customers recognize each other and the proprietor--who is usually the owner. Strangers are treated cordially, but any unruliness arouses the resentment of the entire establishment. The City Watch, while not a great presence here, is not neglectful.
The houses here are small. At first glance one might think they are crowded uncomfortably close together. Upon closer examination, the buildings all seem to fit snugly together, while leaving a surprising amount of space between them.
The hallmarks of each tradesperson can be seen on the front of the house: an ornately carved balcony and railing for the woodcarver, a wide, sweeping stairway for the carpenter, an imposing facade of granite for the stonemason, and so on. Weavers, painters, metalsmiths, and the like use an example of their craft to decorate the front of the house--a tapestry, unusual color scheme, or metal rack of tools, for example.
While some of these artisans work for employers and travel to a different location for their job, the majority work in shops within their homes. Consequently, a great number of different businesses can be found in the Craftsmans' Ward.
Craftsmans' Ward Businesses
Shipper and Haulers, Brewers, Leatherworkers, Weavers, Tailors, Metalsmiths, Jewelers, Gemcutters, Furniture Makers, Carpenters, Stonemasons, Architects, and Taverns with foodClerkburg--The Halls
The city district that houses Greyhawk's universities, colleges, and schools is referred to by two names: "Clerkburg," as a reference to the students, tutors, scribes, and clerks who live here in great numbers; and "The Halls," meaning the large, airy buildings that typically house the schools.
Though it is not apparent from outside the quarter, Clerkburg is an area of plants, grassy yard, and small parks. It is second only to the Garden Quarter in the number and variety of its greenery.
The City Watch does not neglect Clerkburg. Generally a patrol arrives within 2d6 rounds of a summons. The People's Constables tend to avoid Clerkburg, to no one's disappointment.
An interesting feature of the quarter is the outside seating, or veranda, available at most of the small taverns and eateries. It may be squeezed precariously between the building and the street, barely wide enough for a single row of tables, but this outdoor dining area is required of any successful eating establishment in Clerkburg. In fact, the major attractions of this district to the citizenry of the city are these street-side tables. On Godsday with nice weather, the streets of Clerkburg swell with folk from all over the city, coming to enjoy their meal in the fresh air.
Clerkburg is not a thriving business district--most of the buildings not used for schools are the residences of students and instructor. However, the following types of establishments can be found here:
Clerkburg Businesses
Art Galleries, Bakeries, Boarding Houses, Book Binderies, Butchers, Inksellers, Launders, Leatherworkers, Locksmiths, Potters, Private Libraries, Scribeshops, Tailors, Taverns, Tiny Food Shops, Weaponsmiths, and Weavers.
The High Quarter
What a grand array of buildings and personages await the fortunate traveler who decides to stroll down the Promenade! What marvels of architecture! What splendid grace and beauty, such impressive style!
The grand edifices of the Free City's High Quarter are, in general, mansions that would be fit for the ruler of most political entities. In Greyhawk, however, such homes are the just rewards for successful merchants, important ambassadors, the city's own Directors, and others of wealth and station. (Actually, in the Free City, wealth is station.)
The mansions sprawl over large estates--an equivalent amount of property might hold the homes of 1,000 souls in the cramped confines of the Old City.
Stores and shops are not found in the High Quarter; the residents can usually find everything they need at the city's High Marketplace. The only businesses in the quarter are those gambling houses, taverns, and clubs that cater to a wealthy clientèle.
The noble district is the best illuminated of the city's quarters after dark, for each mansion maintains a lamp on the road before it, and the city maintains other lamps at frequent intervals along each thoroughfare.
In addition, the guard patrols of the city watch are diligent and common in the High Quarter. A standard patrol will arrive within 1d6 round following any loud cry of alarm in the High Quarter.
Also, the private agents of the night-watchmen are employed throughout the High Quarter, sometimes to watch a single mansion, and other times to patrol a region of several estates. When the night-watchmen from such roving patrols, they go in groups of five, accompanied by two great hounds (war dogs).
The roads of the High Quarter bustle with crowds only on the occasions of parades and festivals. The quarter receives a lot of traffic every Starday, attracted by the grand array of booths and stalls in the High Marketplace.
Otherwise, the quarter is quiet, with only a few people moving about at any one time. These travelers are nobles in carriages, on horseback, and afoot, their servants (with or without their masters), craftsmen hired to work in the High Quarter on their way to and from the job, and many others. Travel is allowed to and from the High quarter with no restrictions, but a visitor to the quarter who appears to be up to no good (loitering about, acting furtive, associating with known criminals, etc.) is quickly accosted by a guard patrol. If the visitor can produce no good reason why he is in the High Quarter, he is escorted out with orders not to return without a valid purpose
The Garden Quarter
The Garden Quarter sits right above the High Quarter, In truth, an untutored observer could not tell where one district ends and the other begins. But the boundaries are clearly defined in the collective social consciousness of the city's elite.
If the estates in the Garden Quarter tend to be a little smaller than their uphill neighbors, if their statuary is less exquisite and the architecture more plain, these deficiencies are more than made up for by the brilliant profusion of blossoms grown here. The sweeping expanses of manicured beauty have given the quarter its name and its character.
On a pleasant spring day the fragrance of lilac is carried by each passing breeze, while in summer a stroller can sample the dewy aroma of the lilies, and so on.
The patrols of the city watch are as diligent and common here as in the High Quarter, though there are fewer hired security agents in the Garden Quarter.
There are no shops in the Garden Quarter, save for the region of the Marketplace. Several fine inns and clubs offer fine cuisine and often gambling to wealthy patrons.
Foreign Quarter
This is the most crowded quarter of the New City, not just because this is the residential district assigned to all those who have not inherited or adopted Greyhawk citizenry, but because it is a nice place to live. It offers a variety of eateries and taverns, as well as tiny shops of many unique types.
It has long been city policy that visitors who take up residence in Greyhawk should not be allowed to inhabit certain areas, particularly places adjacent to the city wall. Thus, all foreigners who actually rent a residence (as opposed to taking a room in an inn, even for many weeks) must find such a residence in this quarter. Of course, foreign nobles and official guests of the city are exempt from the restriction.
Foreigners are not permitted to purchase property in the Free City. After seven consecutive years of residence (at least six months each year) in the city, a foreigner can apply for citizenship. Provided he has two citizens to vouch for him, and no record of troubles with the watch or any influential guilds, citizenship is granted.
Certain of the Foreign Quarter's shops and inns retain a distinctive character reflecting their owners' origins. But for the most part this district has blended very well into the rest of the Free City's character.
The City Watch is here, but not in any considerable numbers. The People's Constables on the other hand, are a common and bothersome presence during daylight. At night, the Nightwatchmen's Guild puts regular patrols through this and the neighboring River District. In many ways it is representative of the city in miniature, with its diversity of shops, its theater (the Pit), and its mix of people from all places and all levels on the social scale. Indeed, the Foreign Quarter even has its own nobility, in the form of The Duke.
Every type of business can be found in this quarter. Problem is though if you asked someone where to find what you are looking for, half the time the directions are wrong.
The Old City
This maze of alleys, shacks, boarding houses, and everything else is the true soul of Greyhawk. Herein lie the city's roots, and herein also live its most volatile citizens.
The Old City, separated by the Black Wall from the New City, has taken on a life all its own. If the New City should suddenly disappear from the earth, the Old City would function much as before. The same cannot be said for the reverse.
The Old City sees less of the City Watch than do its neighboring districts. Crime and misery are commonplace here, but so are gallantry and decency.
Thieves control the bulk of the business ventures and other activities, but nowhere else is the proverb "honor among thieves" more in evidence.
The Nightwatchmen maintain two regular stations here, and many families devote a proportion of the precious incomes for the additional protection provided by the guild. And the Nightwatchmen in the Old city take their duties very seriously indeed--their fee is always money well spent. The City Watch patrols are scarce to nonexistent, but the Nightwatchmen usually respond quickly, but only when the alarm is raised by one of their clients.
The People's Constables are a major nuisance here during the day, nit-picking every possible weapons violation, subjecting disreputable-appearing characters to searches, and quoting an assortment of vague and obscure regulations. ( "And that'll be another two silver, oaf--you should know better than to blow your nose on the same street as waves the city banner! Be thankful I don't run you in!")
The balance of power in the Old City centers on the Thieves' Guild, which controls the major sources of income here, except for the Public Bath, which is owned by the city. The Beggars' Union is a force to be reckoned with in the Slum Quarter, however, and the Merchants and Traders are also well represented in the Old City. The patrols of the City Watch move unchallenged here during the daytime, but at night two patrols always march together. Even then they remain on the lighted thoroughfares and other major avenues.
The border within the Old City between the Thieves, Labors', and Brewer's Quarters is ill-defined.
Armorers, Bakers, Brewers, Bawdy Houses, Blacksmiths, Boarding Houses, Brewers, Butchers, Carpenters, Embalmers, Expedition Supplies, Inns with Food, Jewelers, Laundry Services, Leatherworker/Tanners, Livery Stables, Locksmiths, Pawnbrokers, Potters, Scribes, Shipper and haulers, Stonemasons, Tailors, Taverns, Warehouses, Weaponsmiths, and Weaver/DyersRiver Quarter
This most riotous district is centered around the great curving avenue known as the Strip. With its taverns, brothels, gambling dens, and worse, the Strip at night is a cacophony of noises, a shadow land of flickering torches and blazing lamps. And always, day and night, it teems with drunks and toughs, river men and city folk.
Always there are many who fight at any implied slight, and never are there enough patrols of the City Watch to keep the peace.
People's Constables are common during the hours of daylight, especially near the Cargo Gate. There these tin-pot enforcers of law and order nab many people just off the river, before they have a chance to adjust to city life.
Naturally, adventurers love it here. Lodgings are cheap, and news from the world beyond is plentiful. There are numerous merchants and innkeepers willing to relieve a traveler of his heavy load of treasure.
Behind the Strip the River Quarter is a mixture of boarding houses and warehouses. While much cargo brought up the river is stored on the wharf, many small warehouses are offered for rental here as well. Cargo moves quickly in the lively economy of the Free City, so a load generally remains in a warehouse only for a week or two.
Armorers, bakers, bawdy houses, boarding houses, boats/nautical equipment, boot maker/leatherworker, butchers, eateries, expedition suppliers, shipper and haulers, tailors, taverns, warehouses, and weaponsmiths.
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