Saturday, July 30, 2016

B2 - Keep on the Borderlands - #4 Common Stables & #5 Warehouse

My continuation of the mapping of the buildings inside the Keep. While these maps aren't really needed by anyone, per se, I just did them to complete the set of floorplans for the Outer Bailey. I mean c'mon, they're just basically big rectangular boxes as you can see here.

COMMON STABLE: This long building is about 15’ high, with a 3’ parapet atop its flat roof, so that it can be used in defense of the gate. The gateside wall is pierced for archery. There are always grooms inside tending to horses and gear.

I added some of the contents for the warehouse, so that it didn't look so pathetically empty. Otherwise it would have just been a legend with a big, empty rectangle next to it.

COMMON WAREHOUSE: Visiting merchants and other travelers who have quantities of goods are required to keep their materials here until they are either sold to the persons at the KEEP or taken elsewhere. This long building is about 15’ high, with a 3’ parapet atop its flat roof, so that it can be used in defense of the gate. The gate-side wall is pierced for archery. Its double doors are chained and padlocked, and the corporal of the watch must be called to gain entry, as he has the keys. Inside are two wagons, a cart, many boxes, barrels, and bales - various food items, cloth, arrows, bolts, salt, and two tuns of wine.

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