A look at the blog-o-sphere these days and everybody is touting all about the good old days. I mean you can't swing a cat without hitting a blog about someone re/running the Temple of Elemental Evil in [insert your favorite OSR game system here]. Sheesh. I mean don't get me wrong I enjoyed playing/DMing them 20+ years ago, but half the people writing about it weren't even born when the original module (T1 Village of Hommlet) came out. So why is it annoying me then? In a way I guess its jealousy because I can't experience it fresh like a lot of new people are doing.
So what am I doing to remedy that? I'm running a Temple of Elemental Evil campaign using AD&D 1st edition rules for a bunch of younger players who never had the pleasure of going through it the first time around. No, the irony is not lost on me here.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Character Encumbrance
Below is an attempt to combine several disparate tables needed to figure out character encumbrance all in one location. Good luck I know, but this seems to cover the basics for typical info. needed during character creation. The following tables assume the typical 10 coins = 1 pound for purposes of encumbrance. Note also that all values listed are for gold pieces.
Character Movement and Encumbrance Table (includes strength adjustment)
Strength Score | Unencumbered | Heavy -A | V. Heavy -B | Encumbered-C |
3 | 0 | 1-350 | 351-700 | 701-1150 |
4-5 | 1-150 | 151-450 | 451-800 | 801-1250 |
6-7 | 1-200 | 201-550 | 551-900 | 901-1350 |
8-11 | 1-350 | 351-700 | 701-1050 | 1051-1500 |
12-13 | 1-450 | 451-800 | 801-1150 | 1151-1600 |
14-15 | 1-550 | 551-900 | 901-1250 | 1251-1600 |
16 | 1-700 | 701-1050 | 1051-1400 | 1401-1850 |
17 | 1-850 | 851-1200 | 1201-1550 | 1551-2000 |
18 | 1-1000 | 1001-1400 | 1401-1700 | 1701-2250 |
18/01-50 | 1-1100 | 1101-1450 | 1451-1750 | 1751-2500 |
18/51-75 | 1-1200 | 1201-1500 | 1501-1800 | 1801-2750 |
18/76-90 | 1-1300 | 1301-1600 | 1601-2000 | 2001-3000 |
18/90-99 | 1-1400 | 1401-1700 | 1701-2200 | 2201-3500 |
18/00 | 1-1500 | 1501-1900 | 1901-2400 | 2401-4500 |
A - Heavy load- max movement 9” no Dex reaction bonus
B – Very Heavy load- max movement 6” no Dex reaction bonus & can only trot a short distance
C – Encumbered- max movement 3”; cannot trot or charge; no Dex reaction/defense bonus; +2 to hit by enemies
Armor Type | A. C. | Cost | Encumbrance | Move |
No Armor | 10 | NA | NA | 12” |
Shield only | 9(-1)* | 10 | 50 | 12” |
Leather | 8 | 5 | 150 | 12” |
Ring Mail or Studded Leather | 7 | 30 15 | 250 200 | 9” 9” |
Scale Mail | 6 | 45 | 400 | 6” |
Chain Mail | 5 | 75 | 300 | 9” |
Banded or Splint Mail | 4 | 90 80 | 350 400 | 6” 6” |
Plate Mail | 3 | 400 | 450 | 6” |
- Subtract 1 from AC if shield is used with armor.
Direction of Attack | to hit | Shield Adjustment | Dexterity Adjustment |
Flank | normal | no | no |
Rear | +2 | no | no |
Equipment | Cost | Encumbrance |
Backpack(400 cn capacity) | 2 | 20 |
Clothes, plain | 0.5 | -- |
Garlic-string | 0.01 | 1 |
Grappling Hook | 25 | 80 |
Hammer (snall) | 2 | 10 |
Holy Symbol -Ag | 25 | 1 |
Holy Water - vial | 25 | 1 |
Iron Spikes (12) | 0.01 | 60 |
Lantern | 10 | 30 |
Mirror-sm. steel | 5 | 5 |
Oil,Flask of | 1 | 20 |
Pole, Wood -10’ | 0.03 | 100 |
Rations, Iron | 5 | 75 |
Rations, Stand. | 3 | 200 |
Rope - 50’ | 0.04 | 75 |
Sack-sm.(200) | 0.01 | 5 |
Sack-lg.(600) | 0.02 | 20 |
Stakes(3) +Mallet | 0.03 | 10 |
Thieves’ Tools | 30 | 10 |
Tinder Box | 1 | 2 |
Torches (6) | 0.06 | 120 |
Water-Wine Skin | 0.15 | 5 |
Wine (1 quart) | 1 | 50 |
Wolfs bane | 0.1 | 1 |
Saddle & Bridle | 12 | 375 |
Transport | Cost | Load |
Camel | 100 | 3,000 |
Cart-2 wheels | 100 | 5,000 |
Horse, Draft | 40 | 4,500 |
Horse, Riding | 75 | 3,000 |
Horse, War | 250 | 4,000 |
Mule | 30 | 2,000 |
Saddle Bags | 5 | 200 |
Wagon-4 wheels | 200 | 12,000 |
Weapon | Damage | Cost | Encumbrance |
Battle Axe ‡ | 1-8 / 1-8 | 5 | 75 |
Hand Axe | 1-6 / 1-6 | 1 | 50 |
Long Bow ‡ | 1-6 / 1-6 | 60 | 100 |
Short Bow ‡ | 1-6 / 1-6 | 15 | 50 |
Quiver -12 arrows | 1 | 30 | |
Silver arrow – 1 | 1 | 2 | |
Crossbow , heavy | 2-5 / 2-7 | 30 | 80 |
Crossbow, light | 1-4 / 1-4 | 12 | 50 |
Quiver – 20 bolts | 10 | 20 | |
Scimitar | 1-8 / 1-8 | 15 | 40 |
Short sword | 1-6 / 1-8 | 8 | 35 |
Long sword | 1-8 / 1-12 | 15 | 60 |
Broad sword | 2-8 / 2-7 | 10 | 75 |
Bastard sword | 2-8 / 2-16 | 25 | 100 |
2 -Handed sword ‡ | 1-10 / 3-18 | 30 | 250 |
Club | 1-6 / 1-3 | 0.03 | 30 |
Dagger(silver 30gp) | 1-4 / 1-3 | 2 | 10 |
Dart | 1-3 / 1-2 | 0.25 | 5 |
Footman's mace | 2-7 / 1-6 | 8 | 100 |
Horseman's mace | 1-6 / 1-4 | 4 | 50 |
Morning Star | 2-8 / 2-7 | 5 | 125 |
Footman's flail | 2-7 / 2-8 | 3 | 150 |
Horseman's flail | 2-5 / 2-5 | 8 | 35 |
Halberd‡ | 1-10 / 2-12 | 9 | 175 |
Spear* | 1-6 / 1-8 | 2 | 50 |
Warhammer* | 2-5 / 1-4 | 7 | 50 |
Staff ‡ | 1-6 / 1-6 | 0.5 | 50 |
Sling w/ 20 stones | 1-4 / 1-4 | 0.5 | 10 |
Javelin * | 1-6 / 1-6 | 0.5 | 20 |
Medium Lance | 2-7 / 2-12 | 6 | 100 |
Flask of oil (2 rd.) | ** | 2 | 10 |
Holy water (vial) | 2-7 | 25 | 2 |
Torch | 1-6 / 1-4 | 0.2 | 5 |
Weapon Type | Fire Rate | Short | Medium(-2) | Long (-5) |
Crossbow - heavy ‡ | 1/2 | 5-80 | 81-160 | 161-240 |
Crossbow - light ‡ | 1 | 5-60 | 61-120 | 121-180 |
Long Bow ‡ | 2 | 5-70 | 71-140 | 141-210 |
Short Bow ‡ | 2 | 5-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 |
Sling - stone | 1 | 5-40 | 41-80 | 81-160 |
Javelin | 1 | 5-20 | 21-40 | 41-60 |
Oil or Holy Water | 1 | 5-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 |
Hand Axe /Warhammer | 1 | 5-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 |
Dart | 3 | 5-15 | 16-30 | 31-45 |
Dagger | 2 | 5-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 |
Spear | 1 | 5-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 |
**Oil burns 1 turn, but drips off in 2 rounds when thrown, 2d6 first round then 1d6 damage the second.
Remember to adjust for: 1. Dexterity 2. Range 3. Cover 4. Magic
‡ Two handed weapon * ranged weapon
Capacity of various containers
Container | capacity | Volume ft3 | Container | capacity | Volume ft3 |
Backpack | 300 | 3 | Purse | 25 | 0.25 |
Wood box lg. | 1,000 | 2 | Sack lg. | 400 | 4 |
Wood box sm. | 500 | 1 | Sack sm. | 100 | 1 |
Belt pouch lg. | 50 | 0.5 | Saddlebag lg. | 300 | 3 |
Belt pouch sm. | 25 | 0.25 | Saddlebag sm. | 100 | 2 |
Iron chest lg. | 5,000 | 50 | Shirt, tied | 100 | 1 |
Iron chest sm. | 1,000 | 10 | Flask | Pint | 0.02 |
Iron coffer lg. | 2,000 | 2 | Water skin | Quart | 0.03 |
Iron coffer sm. | 1,000 | 1 | Vial | 1 oz. | 1 oz. |
Obviously these are the values I use in my campaign. You might use different values or capacities obviously. Just thought I'd share what I had for the sake of comparison. For those of you out there wondering, I usually leave it up to the party whether or not to use encumbrance and most times they do choose to use it. But even with relaxed rules they would still have to add up the totals at the end of the session. Also, quite obviously, common sense would also factor into it i.e no 8 ft tall gold statues being carried around.
Adventure Log 11 - Battle of Emridy Meadows
Conflict & Date:
The Battle of Emridy Meadows occurred in the spring of 569 CY.Armies & Commanders:
Allied army (1700 total)Prince Thrommel IV, Marshal of Furyondy and Veluna.
Viscount Wilfrick of Verbobonc.
1200 humans, 200 dwarves, 100 gnomes, 200 elves.
Horde of Elemental Evil (@4570 total)
Unnamed cultist lieutenants from the Temple of Elemental Evil.
3500 orcs, 550 humans, 500 gnolls, 20 ogres.
The allied forces of Prince Thrommel IV slaughter the Horde of Elemental Evil.Casualties:
Allied army200 human, 55 dwarves, 25 gnomes, 20 elves
Horde of Elemental Evil
4500+ (Most survivors eventually fall at the siege of the Temple)
Sometime in the late 550s the village of Nulb began to fester with all manner of evil folk, culminating with the founding of the soon infamous Temple of Elemental Evil. Before long local caravans, gnome clans and the neighboring village of Hommlet became easy targets for bandits from that region. Following many years of these simple raids and complacency among the rural folk, matters grew steadily worse by 568 CY. First was the construction of the Moathouse, an outpost east of Hommlet meant for further raids, then agents of Good also discovered that not only was the Temple mustering a small army but that the cult of Elemental Evil was actually under the direction of a powerful demoness.News of this Evil quickly spread from the Viscounty of Verbobonc to the ears of Prince Thrommel IV, Marshall of the combined armies of Furyondy and Veluna and also a renowned paladin. Compelled into a quest, the Prince left behind his concerns to the north, and promptly called upon his most pious knights, clerics and his own picked guards to help bring down this profane temple. Shortly after crossing the Velverdyva River in the spring of 569 CY, the host of Prince Thrommel joined with waiting contingents summoned from Veluna and Verbobonc. Accompanying these forces was Serten of St. Cuthbert, the lone member of the Citadel of Eight to volunteer aid to Thrommel’s cause. Not long after the allied column began their slow march to the southeast they were met by a welcome council of demi-human bands from the Lortmils, Kron Hills and the Gnarley Forest, who had similarly decided to deal with the growing presence of evil at their borders.
When the allied forces closed to within a day of the Temple they first encountered the enemy on the open fields several leagues south of Verbobonc City and northwest of Hommlet called Emridy Meadows. The bulk of the Temple’s human forces, comprised of mostly mounted bandits, brigands and mercenaries had moved to stall Thrommel’s advance. Elven scouts then reported that a much larger than expected army of creatures was approaching from the south. Knowing the Temple might empty its entire horde early, Thrommel went with a contingency plan drawn up in council. In an attempt to draw this Horde of Elemental Evil away from any population centers, he ordered the withdrawal of the entire allied column north, to a strategic position near the east bank of the Velverdyva River. Despite some later historical accounts there was no significant fighting at Emridy Meadows, for the only action that day was light cavalry skirmishes screening the withdrawal to a more favorable battlefield. Outnumbering their foes by more than three to one and eager for their first combat victory in the region, the Horde of Elemental Evil predictably pursued Thrommel’s forces north.
It was at dawn when the horde was roused early from their rest by the signal horns of the allies preparing their formations for battle. The packed ranks of the allied contingents were arrayed so that 500 pikemen were protected on their flank by the Velverdyva River while at the center was displayed the colorful banners of 400 light cavalry and 100 heavy cavalry led by Thrommel himself. Finally, on the allied left were deployed blocks of 200 Lortmil dwarves and 100 Kron Hill gnomes, with about 50 elven archers of clan Meldarin positioned in between. The Horde of Elemental Evil was comprised of two forces. On the hordes’ left flank rode 550 human cavalry made up of bandits and Nulbish thugs with little experience in warfare beyond raiding lightly defended caravan trains. To the bandit’s right was a much larger force of humanoid infantry, a host of 3500 orcs drawn from the dark forests to the southeast and even the very depths of the Oerth. Also among them howled frenzied warbands of gnolls some 500 strong, and towering over all nearly 20 crudely armed ogres culled by the Temple from the surrounding wilds to provide heavy support.With reckless abandon the cultist lieutenants commanded their human cavalry ranks to engage the right flank and center of the allied forces, not that the rabble of humanoids gave them much choice. The majority of the Horde immediately charged the allied left flank once they saw the shields and heard the taunts of their traditional enemies. The enraged mass of humanoids was allowed to push aside the smaller demi-human ranks in a hasty attempt to encircle the rest of the allied army. Thrommel’s pikemen and screening cavalry also allowed the charging bandit cavalry to penetrate their line leaving them between the bend of the Velverdyva River and packed in with the encircling mob of humanoids. This of course sprung the trap planned by the Prince. At once the whole allied army pivoted counter-clockwise to encircle the Horde in this pocket. As Thrommel’s knights quickly turned to counter-attack the humanoid main body from the rear, 150 more elven warriors came from hidden reserve in the Gnarley Forest to close the killing arc. With their backs to the river and their leadership in disarray, the Horde of Elemental Evil was completely routed. While most fought to the death, scattered groups did manage to break out of the allied lines only to be hunted down or drowned in flight. However some survivors were allowed to flee south back to their Temple as a message of what was to come next.
After the field was won Prince Thrommel wasted little time in rallying his weary troops and collecting their fallen. The most storied among those slain at Emridy was Serten of St. Cuthbert who fell during the final moments of the battle zealously defending the Prince to his last breath. This would later be a major loss to the allies’ plans for their next phase in the campaign, the siege of the Temple of Elemental Evil.
News of the victory at Emridy Meadows spread fast to Hommlet, the first evidence coming as strange men dressed in ochre were sighted running through the village in panic. The Temple of Elemental Evil lay within a couple days march for the allied host. Their coming emboldened the local villagers and farmers, knowing the end of the Temple were at hand. The allied forces, having met no resistance on their march were refreshed and well supplied once they finally laid siege to the walled fortress of the Temple. Inside the cult of Elemental Evil futilely held out with a scant garrison of troops, falling within a fortnight as the army threw down the upper works of their fortress just short of damaging the central Temple itself. Only a few of the vile leaders of the Temple managed to escape, and it is said these vengeful individuals were later to blame for the sudden disappearance of Prince Thrommel IV in 573 CY.Fearing a raid on the dungeons of the profane Temple would be too costly given the presence of a major demoness (Zuggtmoy), Prince Thrommel summoned all his mages and clerics to cooperate in creating great seals to bind this evil within the deepest parts of her own dungeon. Four pairs of large bronze doors starting with the Grand Entrance of the Temple were each bound with heavy iron chains and their seams filled with softened metal. Lastly runes were carved into the bronze portals bearing abjurations of arcane and holy power. With the final spells in place Evil was contained at last, but in the following years, agents of Good would remain nearby to keep an eye on the Temple for its inevitable resurgence.
Nearly inconsequential during the siege of the Temple, the raiders’ Moathouse was the last piece to fall before Thrommel’s quest was complete. While the Prince oversaw the binding of the Temple, he sent a splinter force with their leftover siege machines to take the small outpost. Remarkably a mob of villagers from Hommlet, long terrorized by the evils of this place, joined in to help surround and raze the Moathouse.
There was no shortage of heroes at the Battle of Emridy Meadows. Viscount Wilfrick attained fame for his part in commanding the campaign. His fortune and gratitude was shown to Hommlet through the construction of a temple of St. Cuthbert and the beginnings of a walled castle bestowed upon Burne the wizard and his friend the warrior Rufus, both veterans of Emridy. Another fighter earning fame at Emridy Meadows was Ricard Damaris who lost a finger on his left hand and suffered a wound that left him the distinctive triangular scar on his face. Ricard would later return to the Temple of Elemental Evil with the opportunistic Lord Robilar to help plunder its dungeons and earn enough to retire as the owner of the popular Green Dragon Inn in Greyhawk City. And brave Serten was given a grandiose funeral service in Verbobonc attended by many who fought with him at Emridy. Ironically, also in attendance were all his former companions from the disbanded Citadel of Eight whom for their own selfish reasons, had failed to take part in the most historic battle of the century.
Original source
Adventure Log 10 - Temple of Elemental Evil
The pleasant and seemingly peaceful village of Hommlet turned out to be filled with intrigue, with agents of Chaotic Evil hiding within the hamlet. The supposedly deserted and ruined moat house nearby held a new champion of the nearby Temple of Elemental Evil.

All of this brought danger and difficulty to the members of your group, but it also offered adventure, experience, and wealth. You have either slain or driven off the evil men and creatures, and the able guardians of Hommlet— Jaroo, Terjon, Burne , Rufus , and the rest of the sturdy militiamen — can surely see to it that their area remains clean of the taint of Evil hereafter. Having accomplished most of your goals, you must now look elsewhere for yet greater challenges (and commensurate rewards). If agents of the Temple were still active in Hommlet, then there must certainly be work for you at that fountainhead of wickedness. Just a half-day’s journey afoot (only about two hours’ ride), east along the High Road, lies the disreputable community of Nulb, and the Temple hidden in the hills nearby. This vile place spawned much suffering, ruin and death before the hosts of Good brought it low and bound its power. It is evident that the place was wounded but not slain, for dark things crept into Hommlet under direction of someone or some thing still lurking in the shunned edifice of Evil. The upper works of the Temple were thrown down and destroyed in the final siege of the war against its hordes. Because of its great power and evil, however, the conquerors did not actually raze the Temple proper, instead sealing its great doors and placing mighty wards of all sorts upon the place and the black labyrinth beneath. Even as great a force as overthrew the Temple could not cleanly deal with what lurked below. Since that great battle, the Temple area has been shunned, its ruins deserted. The nearby village of Nulb has returned to a semblance of normal activity — questionable at best, for the place has always been rumored to house thieves, brigands, smugglers and pirates. But as Nulb stinks of garbage and filth, the Temple area reeks of the foul corruption and pervading Evil from whence it was spawned. No wonder that both places have again been left to their own devices. When the Temple of Elemental Evil flourished, earthquakes, storms of all sorts, great fires, and flash floods struck areas nearby with seeming capriciousness. All that ceased when the Temple was assaulted and sealed. You have been advised of all this, and urged to go elsewhere to seek your fame and fortunes. The unease which prevails upon those merely passing near the ruins shows that some wickedness still haunts the place. There are many bad folk in Nulb, and still greater perils amidst the fallen Temple. Yet the lure of such adventure beckons to you, drawing your party as surely as a lodestone draws iron. Warnings against loss of life — or even worse fates — cannot counter the irresistable pull of treasures secreted deep underground, of monsters still unbeaten, of mysteries to be unraveled. There are whispers of occult places beneath the interdicted Temple, where mighty Evil is yet wrought and noble folk are imprisoned. With care and cunning, luck and great deeds, caution mixed with boldness and daring, you and your associates can win through to achieve exploits of the stuff of legend! The journey of a hundred leagues begins with the first pace, and the time for your sojourn has come. How you and your fellow adventurers plan to overcome the perils of the Temple is a matter that you must decide for yourselves. Is it best to reconnoiter from Hommlet? Base your activities from the village of Nulb? Try to make a secure wilderness camp somewhere near the ruin? Or perhaps lodge somewhere within the foreboding Temple itself? The decision is now. It is certain that both vast treasure and horrible death await, so you must gain the one while cheating the other. Fortune and the gods must smile upon such an undertaking.
thoroughfare. (Most traffic between these points avoids using the road, so as not to leave a discernible path. ) As you approach the Temple area, the vegetation is disconcerting—dead trees with a skeletal appearance, scrub growth twisted and unnaturally colored, all unhealthy and sickly looking or exceptionally robust and disgusting. The ruins of the Temple’s outer works appear as dark and overgrown mounds of gray rubble and blackish weeds. Skulls and bones of humans and humanoids gleam white here and there amidst the weeds. A grove of some oddly stunted and unhealthy looking usk trees still grows along the northern end of the former Temple compound, and a stump of a tower juts up from the northeast corner of the shattered wall. The leprous gray Temple, however, stands intact, its arched buttresses somehow obscene with their growth of climbing vegetation. Everything surrounding the place is disgusting. The myriad leering faces and twisting, contorted forms writhing and posturing on every face of the Temple seem to jape at the obscenities they depict. The growth in the compound is rank and noisome. Thorns clutch, burrs stick, and crushed stems either emit foul stench or raise angry weals on exposed flesh. Worst of all, however, is the pervading fear which seems to hang over the whole area — a smothering, clinging, almost tangible cloud of vileness and horror. Sounds seem distorted, either muffled and shrill or unnaturally loud and grating. Your eyes play tricks. You see darting movements out of the corner of your eye, just at the edge of vision; but when you shift your gaze towards such, of course, there is nothing there at all. You cannot help but wonder who or what made the maze of narrow paths through the weedy courtyard. What sort of thing would wander here and there around the ghastly edifice of Evil without shrieking and gibbering and going completely mad? Yet the usual mundane sounds of your travel are accompanied only by the chorus of the winds, moaning through hundreds of Temple apertures built to sing like doomed souls given over to the tender mercies of demonkind, echoed by macabre croaks from the scattered flapping, hopping, leering ravens. There is no doubt; you have come to a place of ineffable Evil. Still, it is most certainly a place for high adventure and untold treasures. It is time to ready spells, draw weapons, check equipment, and set forth into the maze of peril that awaits you.

All of this brought danger and difficulty to the members of your group, but it also offered adventure, experience, and wealth. You have either slain or driven off the evil men and creatures, and the able guardians of Hommlet— Jaroo, Terjon, Burne , Rufus , and the rest of the sturdy militiamen — can surely see to it that their area remains clean of the taint of Evil hereafter. Having accomplished most of your goals, you must now look elsewhere for yet greater challenges (and commensurate rewards). If agents of the Temple were still active in Hommlet, then there must certainly be work for you at that fountainhead of wickedness. Just a half-day’s journey afoot (only about two hours’ ride), east along the High Road, lies the disreputable community of Nulb, and the Temple hidden in the hills nearby. This vile place spawned much suffering, ruin and death before the hosts of Good brought it low and bound its power. It is evident that the place was wounded but not slain, for dark things crept into Hommlet under direction of someone or some thing still lurking in the shunned edifice of Evil. The upper works of the Temple were thrown down and destroyed in the final siege of the war against its hordes. Because of its great power and evil, however, the conquerors did not actually raze the Temple proper, instead sealing its great doors and placing mighty wards of all sorts upon the place and the black labyrinth beneath. Even as great a force as overthrew the Temple could not cleanly deal with what lurked below. Since that great battle, the Temple area has been shunned, its ruins deserted. The nearby village of Nulb has returned to a semblance of normal activity — questionable at best, for the place has always been rumored to house thieves, brigands, smugglers and pirates. But as Nulb stinks of garbage and filth, the Temple area reeks of the foul corruption and pervading Evil from whence it was spawned. No wonder that both places have again been left to their own devices. When the Temple of Elemental Evil flourished, earthquakes, storms of all sorts, great fires, and flash floods struck areas nearby with seeming capriciousness. All that ceased when the Temple was assaulted and sealed. You have been advised of all this, and urged to go elsewhere to seek your fame and fortunes. The unease which prevails upon those merely passing near the ruins shows that some wickedness still haunts the place. There are many bad folk in Nulb, and still greater perils amidst the fallen Temple. Yet the lure of such adventure beckons to you, drawing your party as surely as a lodestone draws iron. Warnings against loss of life — or even worse fates — cannot counter the irresistable pull of treasures secreted deep underground, of monsters still unbeaten, of mysteries to be unraveled. There are whispers of occult places beneath the interdicted Temple, where mighty Evil is yet wrought and noble folk are imprisoned. With care and cunning, luck and great deeds, caution mixed with boldness and daring, you and your associates can win through to achieve exploits of the stuff of legend! The journey of a hundred leagues begins with the first pace, and the time for your sojourn has come. How you and your fellow adventurers plan to overcome the perils of the Temple is a matter that you must decide for yourselves. Is it best to reconnoiter from Hommlet? Base your activities from the village of Nulb? Try to make a secure wilderness camp somewhere near the ruin? Or perhaps lodge somewhere within the foreboding Temple itself? The decision is now. It is certain that both vast treasure and horrible death await, so you must gain the one while cheating the other. Fortune and the gods must smile upon such an undertaking.
Historical note
For many years, a cult of Chaotic Evil flourished somewhere on the shores of the Nyr Dyv. Although the location of their Temple is lost, these facts regarding it and its followers are known. The cult was based on the premise that the elemental forces of the universe are Chaotic and opposed to mankind, and are thus (from a humanocentric viewpoint) Evil. The Temple of the cult sought to destroy all works of Good and to disrupt order. Its members were thieves, assassins, brigands, and the like. Fire was regarded as the first elemental evil, and its penchant for Chaos fitted the premise of the cult. Water was likewise worshipped as an even more powerful force of Chaotic Evil, in the form of floods, storms, and raging seas beating upon the land and ocean vessels. The epitome of Chaotic Evil, however, was regarded as a combination of air and earth, represented by blackness and corresponding with the demonic Abyss. This combination was regarded as a complete negation of matter. The cult grew powerful and rich, attracting followers of the worst sort and offering them safety within the walls of the Temple stronghold. From this fortress would the followers ride to rob, pillage, and lay waste the lands about, tithing the cult from the spoils of the carnage. Captives from those raids were brought back to the Temple to serve as human sacrifices (children to the fire, men to the water, and women to the blackest Evil) or to slave their lives away in bondage. Besides the extensive upper works of the Temple, a deep labyrinth beneath the place was constructed, but virtually nothing is known about these dungeons except that they were inhabited by a plethora of creatures serving Chaos and Evil. It is rumored that a demon took up abode in the deepest level, to better receive the sacrifices to it. Eventually the neighbors of the Temple grew tired of these depredations. All Good, both Lawful and Chaotic, banded together to form a mighty host. Their army marched to the Temple, fighting two battles along the way. The first was conclusive, thought the forces of Good who held the field afterward, so they gained the reputation of victory, and their ranks swelled with local men. The second battle saw a great slaughter of kobolds, goblins, ogres, hobgoblins, evil men, and the like. The Temple was thereafter besieged, fell, and its inhabitants put to the sword. It is reported by some sources that the Temple and its precincts resisted complete destruction, but the majority state that the whole was razed so that the cult could never emerge again nor could any find where it once flourished.Ruins leading to the Temple
The road leading from Nulb to the Temple is rutted and spotted with rank weeds—thistles, burrs, thorns, nettles, etc. Some foot and animal traffic has been using the track, but it is not a busythoroughfare. (Most traffic between these points avoids using the road, so as not to leave a discernible path. ) As you approach the Temple area, the vegetation is disconcerting—dead trees with a skeletal appearance, scrub growth twisted and unnaturally colored, all unhealthy and sickly looking or exceptionally robust and disgusting. The ruins of the Temple’s outer works appear as dark and overgrown mounds of gray rubble and blackish weeds. Skulls and bones of humans and humanoids gleam white here and there amidst the weeds. A grove of some oddly stunted and unhealthy looking usk trees still grows along the northern end of the former Temple compound, and a stump of a tower juts up from the northeast corner of the shattered wall. The leprous gray Temple, however, stands intact, its arched buttresses somehow obscene with their growth of climbing vegetation. Everything surrounding the place is disgusting. The myriad leering faces and twisting, contorted forms writhing and posturing on every face of the Temple seem to jape at the obscenities they depict. The growth in the compound is rank and noisome. Thorns clutch, burrs stick, and crushed stems either emit foul stench or raise angry weals on exposed flesh. Worst of all, however, is the pervading fear which seems to hang over the whole area — a smothering, clinging, almost tangible cloud of vileness and horror. Sounds seem distorted, either muffled and shrill or unnaturally loud and grating. Your eyes play tricks. You see darting movements out of the corner of your eye, just at the edge of vision; but when you shift your gaze towards such, of course, there is nothing there at all. You cannot help but wonder who or what made the maze of narrow paths through the weedy courtyard. What sort of thing would wander here and there around the ghastly edifice of Evil without shrieking and gibbering and going completely mad? Yet the usual mundane sounds of your travel are accompanied only by the chorus of the winds, moaning through hundreds of Temple apertures built to sing like doomed souls given over to the tender mercies of demonkind, echoed by macabre croaks from the scattered flapping, hopping, leering ravens. There is no doubt; you have come to a place of ineffable Evil. Still, it is most certainly a place for high adventure and untold treasures. It is time to ready spells, draw weapons, check equipment, and set forth into the maze of peril that awaits you.
Adventure Log 9 - Chaos at the Inn...
...and we lose a companion.
June 24, 2011 10:41
When we last left our heroes they had been robbed by Zert, the very fighter that McDirk brought back from the clutches of death. Our party decides we don’t know who is trustworthy. They wait until nightfall when the Inn of the Welcome Wench is crowded and and busy, McDirk takes a table in the corner with his companions, and casts a Detect Evil spell. There are a few that detect as evil, the two traders are both evil, one of them has a dagger that is emanating pure evil. There is also a caravan guard that is evil. Among those who are not seen as evil within the spells radius are Burne and Rufus who are not evil, just life partners, Ostler, and of course Elmo.
With this information our party wastes no time: “We must tell someone of this evil”, says McDirk, “Yes but who?”, replies the rest of the party. Off to the Temple of St. Cuthbert they go. Greeted by Tergon the party tells the story, to which he replies “Death and justice to evildoers!” To the Inn they go, and to the floor goes the Inn door when Tergon kicks it in and shouts “Death to evildoers it is time to pay penance and be judged!” (or something to that manner he was consumed by zeal at this point). And immediately he rushes in for an attack, when one of the merchants disappears.
Arthur and Mathias begin an attack on the “caravan guard” who answers in kind. As this happens chaos erupts, innocent folks flee and Ostler grabs a weapon to defend his lively hood; when suddenly, the missing merchant appears behind the dagger in Tergon’s back. As Tergon falls McDirk rushes to his fallen friend and speaks a prayer. Realizing the assassins dagger is coated with poison McDirk acknowledges there is nothing he can do to cure him, so immediately the Adept scoops up the cleric and rushes to the Temple of St. Cuthbert. Burne and Rufus begin to start an attack, Burne sending out magic missiles as he sees fit. Aiding Mathias and Arthur to fell the evil caravan guard. Then suddenly the assassin goes missing again. This time Burne casts a spell to show where this foe is, and Rufus stands vigilantly guarding his partner.
Amidst all the chaos the shopkeeper of the trade post manages to get behind Elmo and begins to garrote him. As this happens Arthur runs to his companions aide shouting, "Burne, Rufus help Mathias take this foe!" as he rushes over he can do little to help Elmo, he grapples the enemy trying to loosen his grip and hinder him. The caravan guard falls and Mathias rushes over, both he and Arthur trying in futility to save Elmo. Again the assassin makes an appearance and tries in vain to take out Rufus, who retaliates by attacking him and driving him off.
All the while this is happening our cleric has made way to the Temple of St. Cuthbert and awakens Calmert who is unable to cure Tergon. He is able to slow the poison, but only Jaroo the towns druid has the capability to fully cure him. They rush to the druid who immediately neutralizes the poison and heals the fallen cleric. McDirk then tells them of the chaos at the Inn, and that they are needed. Unbeknownst to him was the current chaos. The invisible assassin and the shop keep who was slowly but surely killing Elmo.
Back at the Inn; and as stated prior, the shop keep had a steady hold on Elmo, and with a final twist our heroic champion had fallen. Rage filled both Arthur and Mathias as they began an attack on their new quarry. Suddenly a crash was heard at the window, his assassin companion had abandoned him! Realizing he was now outnumbered he tried to use an invisible powder to make an escape. Quickly thwarted by Arthur and Ostler’s quick thinking and action respectively “Flour! Coat this coward with flour, Ostler!” shouted Arthur to which Ostler replied with a cloud of flour that revealed their enemies position. An organized tactic was now carried out, for they knew this foe would try an escape. Spugnoir and Burne covered the door in case he tried to escape, or his friend would try to come in. Rufus, Arthur and Mathias then struck down the shop keep.
As the flour cleared and the smoke settles our party rushes to see the condition of Elmo. They don’t want to believe it but upon examination from both Jaroo and Calmert they must come to terms. Elmo was dead. They leave Elmo with Ostler for the time being so they can go route out the evil assassin. They go to the traders post, which has been picked clean. He must have taken all that was there and fled. The party finds their horse and an empty cart that they reclaim. Back to the Inn they go to say farewells to Elmo. Upon further inspection they realize that the weapon and armour Elmo is using isn’t the same they had given him. He must have just wanted the party to think he was a lower level fighter than really was.
And so ends this sad entry of our heroes adventures. They are now consumed with fire and will want to launch an attack on the cult that has claimed many innocent lives in the past few days and weeks. The only thing they fear now is their numbers. They have lost quite a few of their mates. Now they realize they have to tell Elmo’s family who is in town, and his older brother Otis; who is currently out of town on a mission fighting the good fight, that their son and brother has been killed in the line of duty. Join us next time for more action and thrills.
With this information our party wastes no time: “We must tell someone of this evil”, says McDirk, “Yes but who?”, replies the rest of the party. Off to the Temple of St. Cuthbert they go. Greeted by Tergon the party tells the story, to which he replies “Death and justice to evildoers!” To the Inn they go, and to the floor goes the Inn door when Tergon kicks it in and shouts “Death to evildoers it is time to pay penance and be judged!” (or something to that manner he was consumed by zeal at this point). And immediately he rushes in for an attack, when one of the merchants disappears.
Arthur and Mathias begin an attack on the “caravan guard” who answers in kind. As this happens chaos erupts, innocent folks flee and Ostler grabs a weapon to defend his lively hood; when suddenly, the missing merchant appears behind the dagger in Tergon’s back. As Tergon falls McDirk rushes to his fallen friend and speaks a prayer. Realizing the assassins dagger is coated with poison McDirk acknowledges there is nothing he can do to cure him, so immediately the Adept scoops up the cleric and rushes to the Temple of St. Cuthbert. Burne and Rufus begin to start an attack, Burne sending out magic missiles as he sees fit. Aiding Mathias and Arthur to fell the evil caravan guard. Then suddenly the assassin goes missing again. This time Burne casts a spell to show where this foe is, and Rufus stands vigilantly guarding his partner.
Amidst all the chaos the shopkeeper of the trade post manages to get behind Elmo and begins to garrote him. As this happens Arthur runs to his companions aide shouting, "Burne, Rufus help Mathias take this foe!" as he rushes over he can do little to help Elmo, he grapples the enemy trying to loosen his grip and hinder him. The caravan guard falls and Mathias rushes over, both he and Arthur trying in futility to save Elmo. Again the assassin makes an appearance and tries in vain to take out Rufus, who retaliates by attacking him and driving him off.
All the while this is happening our cleric has made way to the Temple of St. Cuthbert and awakens Calmert who is unable to cure Tergon. He is able to slow the poison, but only Jaroo the towns druid has the capability to fully cure him. They rush to the druid who immediately neutralizes the poison and heals the fallen cleric. McDirk then tells them of the chaos at the Inn, and that they are needed. Unbeknownst to him was the current chaos. The invisible assassin and the shop keep who was slowly but surely killing Elmo.
Back at the Inn; and as stated prior, the shop keep had a steady hold on Elmo, and with a final twist our heroic champion had fallen. Rage filled both Arthur and Mathias as they began an attack on their new quarry. Suddenly a crash was heard at the window, his assassin companion had abandoned him! Realizing he was now outnumbered he tried to use an invisible powder to make an escape. Quickly thwarted by Arthur and Ostler’s quick thinking and action respectively “Flour! Coat this coward with flour, Ostler!” shouted Arthur to which Ostler replied with a cloud of flour that revealed their enemies position. An organized tactic was now carried out, for they knew this foe would try an escape. Spugnoir and Burne covered the door in case he tried to escape, or his friend would try to come in. Rufus, Arthur and Mathias then struck down the shop keep.
As the flour cleared and the smoke settles our party rushes to see the condition of Elmo. They don’t want to believe it but upon examination from both Jaroo and Calmert they must come to terms. Elmo was dead. They leave Elmo with Ostler for the time being so they can go route out the evil assassin. They go to the traders post, which has been picked clean. He must have taken all that was there and fled. The party finds their horse and an empty cart that they reclaim. Back to the Inn they go to say farewells to Elmo. Upon further inspection they realize that the weapon and armour Elmo is using isn’t the same they had given him. He must have just wanted the party to think he was a lower level fighter than really was.
And so ends this sad entry of our heroes adventures. They are now consumed with fire and will want to launch an attack on the cult that has claimed many innocent lives in the past few days and weeks. The only thing they fear now is their numbers. They have lost quite a few of their mates. Now they realize they have to tell Elmo’s family who is in town, and his older brother Otis; who is currently out of town on a mission fighting the good fight, that their son and brother has been killed in the line of duty. Join us next time for more action and thrills.
Adventure Log 8 - And evil shall fall!
Not without consequence
June 24, 2011 10:02
Greetings and well met. When last we left our adventurous they had been ambushed and left in a rather sore state. From the ashes of pain and suffering though a few of our friends managed to gain experience enough to advance through the ranks. Both McDirk and Mathias have both achieved this goal, becoming and Adept and a Footpad respectively. McDirk; having spent some time working with the Temple of Saint Cuthbert, is even able to train with Tergon for a quest to be named at a later date. The party bands together and gathers resources so we can pay for Mathias to train with one of the local merchants. After a week of training the party gets ready to head off, only after McDirk receives a special order from the merchant: a Longbow for his companion Arthur.
Heading back to the familiar moat house proves to be eventful. This time when the group returns to the usual door the ones behind it ask for a sign, which the group does not produce. To no surprise the door swings open and an attack force comes out to greet our heroes. Though there was an ogre in their numbers and a few orcish looking foes, our brave heroes have experience and Elmo on their side. And they make quick work of these enemies. After delving further into this secret chamber they find yet another door. Behind it are two merchants and a gnome; assumed to be from the same caravan, who have been badly beaten into critical shape, and have also been robbed by the assailants. McDirk utters a quick prayer and manages to conjure up some healing for the victims and the party helps them back to safety, the merchants offer their thanks and some money. The party instead asks them to make a donation to the church of Pelor in Greyhawk.
Since the day was still young and our group was still pretty strong they decided to head back into the moat house, where they happen upon the cults storage room. They ransack and destroy all the contents to slow this cult's progress. Then they happen upon another storeroom. This time they have Zert stay outside with the farmer, in case the enemy try to retaliate. As our heroes return to their cart they discover there is no more cart, and their farmer who was guarding the cart has been murdered. Zert is nowhere to be found. Rushing back home on foot they discover that their room too has been robbed, and Zert has made himself scarce.
So ends another tale of survival and struggle. What will happen next? Will our motley crew cry and quit? Or will they rally and strike back? What of Zert, and will our heroes retaliate? All this and more so join us again for yet another tale of triumph over evil; so we hope, that will be full of adventure, danger and action. Until next time reader fare thee well.
Heading back to the familiar moat house proves to be eventful. This time when the group returns to the usual door the ones behind it ask for a sign, which the group does not produce. To no surprise the door swings open and an attack force comes out to greet our heroes. Though there was an ogre in their numbers and a few orcish looking foes, our brave heroes have experience and Elmo on their side. And they make quick work of these enemies. After delving further into this secret chamber they find yet another door. Behind it are two merchants and a gnome; assumed to be from the same caravan, who have been badly beaten into critical shape, and have also been robbed by the assailants. McDirk utters a quick prayer and manages to conjure up some healing for the victims and the party helps them back to safety, the merchants offer their thanks and some money. The party instead asks them to make a donation to the church of Pelor in Greyhawk.
Since the day was still young and our group was still pretty strong they decided to head back into the moat house, where they happen upon the cults storage room. They ransack and destroy all the contents to slow this cult's progress. Then they happen upon another storeroom. This time they have Zert stay outside with the farmer, in case the enemy try to retaliate. As our heroes return to their cart they discover there is no more cart, and their farmer who was guarding the cart has been murdered. Zert is nowhere to be found. Rushing back home on foot they discover that their room too has been robbed, and Zert has made himself scarce.
So ends another tale of survival and struggle. What will happen next? Will our motley crew cry and quit? Or will they rally and strike back? What of Zert, and will our heroes retaliate? All this and more so join us again for yet another tale of triumph over evil; so we hope, that will be full of adventure, danger and action. Until next time reader fare thee well.
Adventure Log 7 - Ambush!
From who? WHERE?!
June 23, 2011 10:17
After waiting for close to a month for the cold and unforgiving weather to let up our party sets out again. They decided they should go to check that same door again, this time they would wise up and have their fellow Elmo join them. Elmo gladly agrees, being a hero, and adventures to the secret path with them. This time they knock correctly and are greeted with a call sign after the knock. Unfortunately our adventurers do not know the countersign. Out from the door bursts a squad of evil cultists wearing robes adorned with a Flaming Eye.
The battle was fairly quick sustaining only minor injuries thanks to the skillful use of the axe wielded by Elmo. Still running a little lower on strength than would be desired, our party leaves for town to rethink their plan of attack. Alas, the foul Cult did not see the parties survival in today’s agenda. Neither Arthur nor Elmo saw the evil cultist before they fired an arrow into the back of McDirk. They have been ambushed!! A large group of foe’s surrounded our party. They first tried to figure out who this might be. Burne’s Badgers? Possibly they thought the group to be a group of bandits. Elmo, Zert and Arthur rushed to the fore to speak to these foes. They were greeted with an attack. Elmo knocked his target out cold still not knowing if they were friend or foe. Zert on the other hand struck his attacker down. A long and grueling battle ensued.
One of the first things that turned this battle awry was a rogue mage in the enemies numbers casting sleep, it managed to knock out Arthur and Spugnoir. Zert continued to fight on as Mathias awoke Arthur and Spugnoir. The first of the trials of this battle had been overcome. Taking much damage all around McDirk manages to keep everyone alive. The battle began looking more grim when Zert was rendered unconscious, and then had his throat slit. McDirk rushed over and fought off the fiend who had killed his comrade, and with the grace of Pelor managed to heal Zert’s wound and keep him amongst the living.
It was down to three warriors, Arthur, Elmo, and the leader of this group of assailants. Attacks went back and forth Arthur scoring glancing blows against the leader, Elmo rattling his target with heavy attacks; until on his last breath the leader struck Elmo down. Fury welled up inside of Arthur who in turn struck down the enemy leader. “Quick to town! We must heal our fallen!”, shouted Arthur. Before leaving they found a crumpled note in the enemy leaders armour that said “Master”. Could this be the counter sign they so desperately needed? Loading the cart the team raced home, McDirk binding Elmo so he would survive with but a heal, and tending to the fallen Zert.
Upon arriving back at town our adventurers rushed to the Temple of St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel, and paid to have Zert healed. The rest of our party was able to rest and reevaluate the situation. Could they be that close to cleansing the Moathouse of evil? Thus the end of a harrowing day has come. Do return for more, as there is still much left untold. Until next time: Fare thee well.
The battle was fairly quick sustaining only minor injuries thanks to the skillful use of the axe wielded by Elmo. Still running a little lower on strength than would be desired, our party leaves for town to rethink their plan of attack. Alas, the foul Cult did not see the parties survival in today’s agenda. Neither Arthur nor Elmo saw the evil cultist before they fired an arrow into the back of McDirk. They have been ambushed!! A large group of foe’s surrounded our party. They first tried to figure out who this might be. Burne’s Badgers? Possibly they thought the group to be a group of bandits. Elmo, Zert and Arthur rushed to the fore to speak to these foes. They were greeted with an attack. Elmo knocked his target out cold still not knowing if they were friend or foe. Zert on the other hand struck his attacker down. A long and grueling battle ensued.
One of the first things that turned this battle awry was a rogue mage in the enemies numbers casting sleep, it managed to knock out Arthur and Spugnoir. Zert continued to fight on as Mathias awoke Arthur and Spugnoir. The first of the trials of this battle had been overcome. Taking much damage all around McDirk manages to keep everyone alive. The battle began looking more grim when Zert was rendered unconscious, and then had his throat slit. McDirk rushed over and fought off the fiend who had killed his comrade, and with the grace of Pelor managed to heal Zert’s wound and keep him amongst the living.
It was down to three warriors, Arthur, Elmo, and the leader of this group of assailants. Attacks went back and forth Arthur scoring glancing blows against the leader, Elmo rattling his target with heavy attacks; until on his last breath the leader struck Elmo down. Fury welled up inside of Arthur who in turn struck down the enemy leader. “Quick to town! We must heal our fallen!”, shouted Arthur. Before leaving they found a crumpled note in the enemy leaders armour that said “Master”. Could this be the counter sign they so desperately needed? Loading the cart the team raced home, McDirk binding Elmo so he would survive with but a heal, and tending to the fallen Zert.
Upon arriving back at town our adventurers rushed to the Temple of St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel, and paid to have Zert healed. The rest of our party was able to rest and reevaluate the situation. Could they be that close to cleansing the Moathouse of evil? Thus the end of a harrowing day has come. Do return for more, as there is still much left untold. Until next time: Fare thee well.
Adventure Log 6 - The bigger they are...
... the harder they hit!
June 22, 2011 21:18
Their last delve being more of a success than anything our adventurers restocked on the oil that was spent and rested for the remainder of the day. Seeing how they collapsed a room they decided that today was a good day to excavate, which they did. For their troubles they acquired some nice new gold and some other trinkets. That being done our group decided that they should look for an alternative route, when Arthur recalls that he and Elmo had seen tracks leading into a wall in the room where they encountered the Brigands. Venturing forth Mathias manages to easily find this secret door and open it. To their delight they find a set of stairs leading down. Into a dead end room.
Upon further investigation Arthur notices yet another set of tracks leading into a wall. However, this time our party discovered there was someone on the other side. There was a knock in response to our adventurers eagerly knocking and hitting the wall when they were trying to find the operation of the secret panel. Bewildered Arthur took to the fore and knocked in reply. To his expectations some thing burst into the room and attacked! An ogre was employed to guard this room. This can get really ugly… Really fast… Into the fray they go however Arthur having a slight advantage against giants although he is but a Runner. Mathias ever confident and McDirk ready to heal everyone when needed. Zert and Spugnoir too stand at the ready to fight with their brothers in arms.
The battle seems to be going smoothly in the beginning, Arthur dodging blows and landing a hit or two and Mathias being ignored. That is until Mathias landed a good blow on the Ogre, who turned his attention to our rogue friend and with one fell swoop knocked him out cold and inches from death. “Cast sleep!! Take him down Spugnoir!!”— a failed attempt. “He is far too strong for my evocations, I must flee,” shouts the mage. “Get Elmo! Please Hurry!” shouted Arthur. Then McDirk, calling upon the pure and holy light of Pelor heals and saves Mathias.
Their numbers thinned Arthur fends off this attack, fighting on the defensive until they hear a familiar cry. Elmo had arrived to save the day! As Elmo arrives on the scene the monstrous beast lands a final blow on Arthur, rattling him but not taking him down. Seeing this Elmo takes one swing with his whistling axe and fells the dread ogre. The party is victorious. Tending to wounds McDirk says “That is enough for today my friends let’s go home.”
Returning the Inn our party tends to Mathias who was badly wounded. Over night the party takes care of the rogue showing they are becoming friends. The next morning bad weather befalls. Elmo and Arthur both inform the rest of the party that snow is coming. They are correct, snow accumulates and hinders the party very badly. Days go by and are spent tending to the sick in the Temple of St. Cuthbert. Donating time and silver here and there our party gets through the first few days of the storm. The weather does not let up, and the snow begins to fall at a steady pace. Days turn into weeks. The downtime is now bleeding the party’s funds dry. After three weeks our party decides to take back to the road, and just fight through the storm. With that we leave as our adventurers begin to set out on a new day.
Upon further investigation Arthur notices yet another set of tracks leading into a wall. However, this time our party discovered there was someone on the other side. There was a knock in response to our adventurers eagerly knocking and hitting the wall when they were trying to find the operation of the secret panel. Bewildered Arthur took to the fore and knocked in reply. To his expectations some thing burst into the room and attacked! An ogre was employed to guard this room. This can get really ugly… Really fast… Into the fray they go however Arthur having a slight advantage against giants although he is but a Runner. Mathias ever confident and McDirk ready to heal everyone when needed. Zert and Spugnoir too stand at the ready to fight with their brothers in arms.
The battle seems to be going smoothly in the beginning, Arthur dodging blows and landing a hit or two and Mathias being ignored. That is until Mathias landed a good blow on the Ogre, who turned his attention to our rogue friend and with one fell swoop knocked him out cold and inches from death. “Cast sleep!! Take him down Spugnoir!!”— a failed attempt. “He is far too strong for my evocations, I must flee,” shouts the mage. “Get Elmo! Please Hurry!” shouted Arthur. Then McDirk, calling upon the pure and holy light of Pelor heals and saves Mathias.
Their numbers thinned Arthur fends off this attack, fighting on the defensive until they hear a familiar cry. Elmo had arrived to save the day! As Elmo arrives on the scene the monstrous beast lands a final blow on Arthur, rattling him but not taking him down. Seeing this Elmo takes one swing with his whistling axe and fells the dread ogre. The party is victorious. Tending to wounds McDirk says “That is enough for today my friends let’s go home.”
Returning the Inn our party tends to Mathias who was badly wounded. Over night the party takes care of the rogue showing they are becoming friends. The next morning bad weather befalls. Elmo and Arthur both inform the rest of the party that snow is coming. They are correct, snow accumulates and hinders the party very badly. Days go by and are spent tending to the sick in the Temple of St. Cuthbert. Donating time and silver here and there our party gets through the first few days of the storm. The weather does not let up, and the snow begins to fall at a steady pace. Days turn into weeks. The downtime is now bleeding the party’s funds dry. After three weeks our party decides to take back to the road, and just fight through the storm. With that we leave as our adventurers begin to set out on a new day.
Adventure Log 5 - Avalanche!!
I've got a sinking feeling...
June 22, 2011 20:34
When we last left our heroes they had been ambushed by wise, but cowardly, foes. The group arrives at the Inn of the Welcome Wench barely walking upright without the help of each other. This was a good time to spend waiting. And wait they did. The party rested up for a week. During this time they began selling their amassed goods and treasures to the local Traders Post. Also during this time spent resting McDirk spent a good portion of his time tending to the local wounded and sick, at the temple of St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel. Life of an adventurer, however, isn’t an easy one so our brave fellows set forth.
Returning to the Ruins the party has but one room left to explore! So they set forth and heard a terrifying noise. It was the chattering squeaking of rats coming from an offshot room with stairs. This swarm of rats had one goal in mind, overtake and devour fresh meat. However our group would not see this to be so, and in a flash of genius they throw some of their cheese (didn’t I tell you earlier how important the cheese is?!) to lure them away. But wait there’s more; rats coming and to the story, throw more cheese!! After throwing quite a large amount of cheese the group then proceeds to throw their vials of oil onto the ravenous beasts. With oil set and the rats feasting on cheese our party sets them ablaze. The sweet taste and cheesy smell of victory!!
Now since the stairwell was in the room that was engulfed the party moves on to a room that had escaped their eye earlier. In a stroke of genius and general will to not see the party fall into a pit trap or have other nastiness befall them; Mathias uses one of the parties items, a staff to test the integrity of surfaces. Sadly in doing so discovers the room was quite unstable, and unfortunately collapsed before the group could even enter. That being the case our group patiently waits for the fire to die down so they can delve further into the ruins.
Down, down, down the stairwell they go, into a dank and darkened place. Cautiously Mathias leads down a hall looking for traps. Slowly and steadily he walks when suddenly a wretched slime oozes down from the ceiling and ;by the graces of the gods themselves, misses our hero by mere inches. Not being afraid at this point because the real danger had passed our party uses the last of their oil to set the foul ooze ablaze (damned pyromaniacs).
Their light fading and supplies running low our adventurers take to the wilderness. It was time to return to their home, as it has become over the past month, The Inn of the Welcome Wench. Might we add that this adventure was quite smooth and Elmo didn’t have to bail the group out of trouble. Does this mean that our group is getting strong? Wising up and being more resourceful? Or does it just mean they were lucky? Find out next time. Fare thee well.
Returning to the Ruins the party has but one room left to explore! So they set forth and heard a terrifying noise. It was the chattering squeaking of rats coming from an offshot room with stairs. This swarm of rats had one goal in mind, overtake and devour fresh meat. However our group would not see this to be so, and in a flash of genius they throw some of their cheese (didn’t I tell you earlier how important the cheese is?!) to lure them away. But wait there’s more; rats coming and to the story, throw more cheese!! After throwing quite a large amount of cheese the group then proceeds to throw their vials of oil onto the ravenous beasts. With oil set and the rats feasting on cheese our party sets them ablaze. The sweet taste and cheesy smell of victory!!
Now since the stairwell was in the room that was engulfed the party moves on to a room that had escaped their eye earlier. In a stroke of genius and general will to not see the party fall into a pit trap or have other nastiness befall them; Mathias uses one of the parties items, a staff to test the integrity of surfaces. Sadly in doing so discovers the room was quite unstable, and unfortunately collapsed before the group could even enter. That being the case our group patiently waits for the fire to die down so they can delve further into the ruins.
Down, down, down the stairwell they go, into a dank and darkened place. Cautiously Mathias leads down a hall looking for traps. Slowly and steadily he walks when suddenly a wretched slime oozes down from the ceiling and ;by the graces of the gods themselves, misses our hero by mere inches. Not being afraid at this point because the real danger had passed our party uses the last of their oil to set the foul ooze ablaze (damned pyromaniacs).
Their light fading and supplies running low our adventurers take to the wilderness. It was time to return to their home, as it has become over the past month, The Inn of the Welcome Wench. Might we add that this adventure was quite smooth and Elmo didn’t have to bail the group out of trouble. Does this mean that our group is getting strong? Wising up and being more resourceful? Or does it just mean they were lucky? Find out next time. Fare thee well.
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